How do I register for a session?

Visit Robostrar to create an account and register for sessions.

Can I use one of my tickets to admit a friend or family member?

No, tickets are non-transferrable. Guests must sign up through Robostrar and purchase their own session tickets.

Can I purchase a ticket or gift card for my friend or family member?

No, Basic Inquiry does not have a gift card option, and tickets are non-transferrable. However, if your friend has a Robostrar account, you may pay for their tickets securely using your own credit or debit card when they check out.

Can I get a receipt?

To generate a receipt for your purchase, log in to Robostrar and click the โ€˜Historyโ€™ tab at the top of the menu. This will show all of your recent activity within Robostrar.

Using the dates on the left, determine which order you want to generate a receipt for. It will read โ€œYou paid for order #1234โ€, where the order number represents your unique order.

Click the blue order number to generate a receipt in a new tab.

To print to a PDF or printer, press Ctrl+P to open the print dialog menu.